Are You a Light saber Owner? Important Safety Tips When Using a Blade

3 min readNov 23, 2021


Ideally, it’s a thrilling and enjoyable experience to use a Force FX lightsaber. However, like with any sport or hobby, simple safety rules must be followed to minimize the risk of injury. So everytime when you are spinning your lightsaber or engaging in duels, keep these six safety considerations in mind.

1. Choose a Duel Worthy Saber:

When dueling, choose blades with round blade tips over pointed or bullet tips, as pointed or bullet points can injure your opponent. Flat acrylic blades (for example, flat acrylic Ripper Blades) are not suitable for dueling, however they can be used for lightsaber spinning.

2. Consider the Edges:

Some lightsabers are more dangerous by nature than others. Make sure the hilt and coupler of your lightsaber don’t have any sharp edges. Practically, sharp edges may injure your hands or your opponent during a duel. Therefore, when dueling or spinning, avoid using lightsabers with sharp edges or claws. You may consider Graflex lightsaber, it is perfect for a beginner hence safe.

Also, use your lightsaber with a properly installed chassis. A reputable sabersmith or bespoke saber firm, like as Art Saber, should install your lightsaber. In some cases you may find two lightsaber hilts that look similar on the outside, yet the insides of one may be poorly wired while the other is properly wired. Therefore, a properly installed chassis will prevent the internals of the lightsaber from moving during use.

3. Ensure You Install a Blade Plug:

Moreover, installing a blade plug while you are removing the blade from an in-hilt LED lightsaber is a simple but crucial safety precaution. Practically, the bright LED light in the hilt is protected from glaring into someone’s eyes by a blade plug. However, some saber like the neopixel lightsabers do not require a blade plug because the light source is built into the blade itself.

4. Duel And Spin in Open Environments:

Dueling with a lightsaber and spinning require more space than you may think. Choose wide, unobstructed areas like parks, gyms, garages, or even your own backyard. In a small room like a studio apartment, it’s risky to wave a Force FX lightsaber around since you might knock over a lamp or trip over everyday objects like shoes or toys. Always keep an eye on your surroundings and utilize a shorter lightsaber blade if you wish to try lightsaber spinning indoors.

5. Always Remember to Put on Safety Gear When Dueling:

Note that dueling with a light saber should be considered a sport. Gloves, padding, and protective helmets are essential in lightsaber dueling, especially fuel contact sparring, to decrease the risk of injury.

On the internet, there are numerous lightsaber safety parody films and images, including popular YouTube movies. Rather than real lightsabers, these films and graphics represent hypothetical lightsabers that cut through objects. Visit to find high-quality items at low prices today of you want to try dueling.




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